5 Quirks I’ve Noticed About Vlogging That Video Web Designers Should Know

Vlogging (video blogging) has grown in popularity over the past few years, with brands like Disney taking advantage of this visual medium…

5 Quirks I’ve Noticed About Vlogging That Video Web Designers Should Know

Vlogging (video blogging) has grown in popularity over the past few years, with brands like Disney taking advantage of this visual medium to tell their story. Like any form of effective video marketing, vlogs should be optimized and include a strong call to action. This can be difficult when there are so many factors that go into creating a successful video.

Designers should keep these quirks in mind when designing websites for vloggers:

1: Vloggers are in love with video game footage.

How many times have you been watching a vlogger’s YouTube page, only to scroll down and see that their most popular video is a review of a video game?

This isn’t just anecdotal. A recent study showed that 92% of all vlogs contain footage from video games. If you’re a designer, this might surprise you — and it should! Why would people be so interested in watching other people play games?

The answer is: they’re not.

They’re watching because the game gives them an opportunity to watch something beautiful and unique, something that has never before been seen.

Game designers have been creating things that are beautiful for decades now, but only recently have we started to take notice of their work on a large scale — and it’s about time! Game designers have always had an eye for beauty and uniqueness, but now we’re starting to see them bring those skills into the world outside of gaming as well.

2: Vloggers are different from creators.

You might have heard that the world of video is changing and that you need to learn a whole new set of skills to succeed. But if you’re a video creator already, you don’t need to worry too much about vlogging — it’s still just another type of video that requires some different skills and strategies.

Both vloggers and creators use cameras, microphones, video editors, and social media platforms. They both need to know how to get their content and how to design their content in front of people who will want to watch it, but their approaches differ depending on the format their videos take.

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3: Vloggers have a lot of gear and tools.

Vlogging is a big machine that requires a lot of gear and tools.

The average vlogger has to have:

  • A phone with a camera (duh)
  • A microphone for recording audio
  • A laptop or desktop computer for editing and uploading videos, graphics, and templates, a video compressor to optimize videos, and a screen recorder.
  • A tripod or monopod for taking photos/videos
  • A memory card or external hard drive in order to save the footage shot on their phone/laptop before uploading it online
  • A remote shutter release or cable trigger in order to take photos/videos without having to press down on the camera itself (this is especially important if you want to be in any of your own videos).

4: Vloggers have the potential for dynamic, interactive web experiences.

Vloggers typically focus their content on their personal life. Many vloggers have fans they call “followers,” and they often sell merchandise to their followers. Vloggers often interact with their followers through social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

Vlogging offers the opportunity to create an interactive experience that brings your customers closer to you than ever before. You can build trust with your audience by giving them insight into your life, and making them feel like they’re part of your world.

5: Vloggers need to be able to easily monetize their work.

One of the biggest challenges for vloggers is monetizing their work. Vlogging can be a great way for web designers to market themselves and their services, but it can also be extremely difficult. Vloggers don’t just have to worry about editing their own footage — they have to worry about editing their own footage so that it’s appealing to their audience, which is made up of people who are looking for information about web design.

It’s important that your vlogs are easy to understand and follow. Your audience needs to be able to watch your videos without feeling like they’re missing anything important or getting confused by technical terms or unfamiliar jargon that doesn’t always mean what you think it means.

If you want your viewers’ attention, then make sure that everything in your vlogs is clear and concise!

Vlogging is a growing phenomenon, and web video is changing the way that people interact with content. But Vloggers have different needs than your average creator, and many of the tools that Vloggers use are far from standard, to begin with. As Vlogging becomes more prevalent, it’s important for us as web designers to understand what their needs are and how we can better serve them.

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